There's a Dog in the Lap!!!

Yup, that's right, there was a dog at the library yesterday, and not just any dog, a very small, high under the desk kind of dog. Her name was Elle, and from what I learned from her owner, she is a four year old Yorkie, who is nothing but a diva at home. Being no bigger then your hand, you can imagine how many people thought she was a toy in our hand.

Wake (Wake Series, Book 1)As for other news, we have also received the new book series, 'WAKE', but Lisa McMann. As well as her second book in the series.

The Scholastic Book Fair is in full swing with a lot of great authors, not just for kids either. There are Young Adult novels there two, including 'Ruined', 'Fairest', and 'Sent'. So for all you teens in our area, come on down and pick up some of these books titles to read. Not to mention if you come by you might see a little dog in someones lap.


The 8teen Librarian

Dark Divine

The Dark DivineThe new book by Bree Despain is soon on it's way, and with so much hype in it, I thought it would be cool to get a look at the book trailer for the first book, 'The Dark Divine.'

If you haven't read the story it is one worth reading. The story deals with Grace Divine, and her seemingly perfect family. But there is one thing no one touches on and that is the protical son that has suddenly come back into their lives. Daniel. He is lost, and in all respects someone to be feared. But Grace sees something about him that no one else does. He still has a good heart, but how long will that heart last with her brother Jude trying to stop her from having any contact with Daniel? What will Daniel do to maintain his humanity? 

Her new book will be coming out December of this year, the title of which is, The Lost Saint.


The 8teen Librarian

Graphic Novels Section

Thanks to a lot of generous donations from one of our crazy librarians, we have just implemented a new full shelf section dedicated to nothing but Graphic Novels, Manga, and the like. With new volumes including Tsubasa, Hana-Kimi, Otomen, and several others we are hoping to complete it with a full collection of popular manga artists and authors.