Boy do I have news for all of you guys out there. Would you believe it if I told you the Marlin Public Library is going to be having a field trip and they need help?! Well if not then listen up. The Marlin Public Library is in the works to provide a Summer Reading Program Field Trip to Waco's Mammoth Park. It will include a guided tour, and lunch at Waco Park. If that isn't enough they need volunteer to help with all the toddlers and kids, so if you are at least 16 years old, are good with kids, and want to get out this summer, then look no further. You will get a free lunch, and get into Waco's Mammoth Park for F.R.E.E. Now this is only in the works right now, but from what I'm gathering it's definitely going to happen.

As for other news, the library has just instituted a new section in the library, the Graphic Novel section for Young Adults. A lot of people have been helping, donating old manga and stuff like that, including Batman comics, and Superman. Some of their manga include,
Fruits Basket
(of course), and just recently
Vampire Knight
. If you are interested come by and check it out.
The 8teen Librarian